Pigeon Shoots are Pennsylvania's Shame


Brazile-Arrested for Sexual Assault of Child


July 27, 2008 

Wise County Messenger
By Travis Measley

Decatur resident Jimmy David Brazile, 60, was released on $100,000 bond Thursday afternoon after being arrested earlier that day on charges of various sexual and indecent acts with a child.

Hopefully, rodeo's "World Champion" Trevor Brazile, a calf and steer roper, didn't learn anything else from his dad. If Jimmy Brazile thinks that sex with a child is "not a big deal", then he surely thinks that his son's chosen profession of injuring and abusing animals isn't a "big deal" either. Watch PRCA rodeo darling, Trevor Brazile, in action. Check back for the outcome of this Brazile family embarrassment.


According to police, Brazile, who was a roping teacher in Wise County, was having a sexual relationship with one of his students, a 16-year-old female, since the end of 2006.

Sergeant James Holland of the Texas Rangers said in his statement that he was contacted by the victim's mother on March 31, 2008, and was told that Brazile had a sexual relationship with her child.

On June 9, Holland interviewed the victim, who, in his report, told him that in November of 2006, Brazile began touching her breasts and vagina.

She said that as early as January 2007 the two began engaging in sexual intercourse.

According to court documents, the child also told Holland that she and Brazile had intercourse more than 25 times and that Brazile told her not to tell anyone because he would go to jail.

Holland said he then interviewed the child's father. The father told Holland that he had confronted Brazile.

Court documents say that Brazile told the child's father that he decided to have sex with the child to show her that sex was not a big deal, but that he was sorry it had happened.

According to Texas state law, the age at which a child becomes an adult and can consent to sexual activity with another adult is 17. Texas law also states that a person between the age of 14 and 17 may legally consent to sexual activity with a partner who is not more than three years older.

Brazile is charged with two accounts of sexual assault of a child and one account of indecency with a child by sexual contact, all of which are felonies of the second degree.

A second degree felony is punishable by two to 20 years in prison and a fine not to exceed $10,000.

If anyone has more information on the case, call Holland at (940) 627-2693.

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Pigeon Shooters Exposed!

Operation Bright Light exposes individual pigeon shooters to the world

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Please contact the Pennsylvania Legislature and tell them to ban pigeons shoots once and for all. Click here to find and contact your Pennsylvania state legislator

Please contact Governor Tom Wolf and tell him that it's long past time for them to end the abominable cruelty of live pigeon shoots.

Governor Tom Wolf
Phone: (717) 787-2500
Fax: (717) 772-8284
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Please contact the Pennsylvania Tourism Bureau and tell them that you won't be vacationing in PA because of illegal live pigeon shoots.

1-800-847-4872 - Post on their Facebook page HERE.

Click here for a video from Bob Barker and more information.

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